Fun, Participation and Friendship.
Minis rugby is modified version of Rugby Union
New players are always welcomed and learn new skills, make new friends and most importantly have fun at a well established and successful club
Aim and Philosophy
The aim of minis rugby is to provide a series of age-specific modified rugby games. These modified rugby games progressively develop the individual skills, fitness and team work of all players in accordance with their physical maturity and understanding of the game.
U5 & U7
Minis Tri-Tag
U5 & U7 Minis Rugby is NON-TACKLE winter team sport suitable for boys and girls aged 4-7. It is a modified, tag-based rugby game (no tackling). Its focus is on developing general sports skills and teamwork with an emphasis on rugby specific activities.
Minis Rugby
U8 Minis Rugby For boys and girls aged 8. It is a modified rugby game, played with 7 a side which introduces players to tackling. It develops general sporting skills, team work and fitness with an emphasis on rugby specific activities.
Minis Rugby
U9 Minis Rugby For boys and girls aged 9. It is a modified rugby game, played with 10 a side. It develops communication, general sporting skills, team work and fitness with an emphasis on rugby specific activities.
Player Registration
Contact Vice President of Minis
Mike Heal – 0419 252 740
Rugby Xplorer – Oatley Rugby JRUFC
Registrar Ana Moala ( Club President ) during training night
Every Wednesday from 5:30pmĀ
Riverwood Park,
Coleridge St, Riverwood NSW 2210